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Shopping Tips of Shanghai Dolomite Processing Machine


Many users in the purchase of grinding mills do not know how to buy, just listen to the seller ‘s advice. Some sellers will elect a suitable grinding mill based on customer needs, but some unscrupulous sellers actually harm the user. In fact, in the purchase of Shanghai grinding mills there are some tips today for everyone. Today we take Dolomite Processing Machine, which is Dolomite grinding mill as an example to talk about the tips. Users can learn more about it, so as not to be deceived when buying Dolomite Processing Machine.

Dolomite Hammer Mill

First, you should inspect the appearance of Dolomite Processing Machine to test the quality of the product. This time, you must carefully watch rack cabinet if there is bump phenomenon, whether there is a significant factory problem. For example, manufacturing defects and serious damage of Dolomite Processing Machine, as well as whether outside of the device smooth paint is bright, color matching is reasonable, whether the presence of paint flow or paint leak, whether each fastener observation equipment are complete, installed and fastened.

Secondly, the diaphragm check: First open the cabinet of Dolomite Processing Machine, Mainly to see the surface of moving and fixed grind segment and its jam nut. Grind segment of Dolomite Processing Machine should be flat in the surface, processing shape of equipment is regular, and equipment edges are neat.

Next you need to check the reasonableness of device features and grinding gap adjustment mechanism according to the manufacturer instructions supplied.

Then, if conditions permit it, you should test machine at the time of purchase Shanghai Dolomite Processing Machine. By observing the functioning overall machine, if you find some problems, you should stop it immediately.

Then, check the worn cloth inside the device: At the end of the test machine, we need to open the case, carefully observe the wear scar on the status of the two grind segments. Uniform wear scar is normal. In general, grinding marks in grinding edge is deeper, and in the middle is lighter. Special attention is cracks and gaps of any size can be in grind segments.

Finally, inspection of spare parts and the document: Shanghai Dolomite Processing Machine manufacturers need have inspection certification of grind segments, product nameplate and the manual of the equipment. And you should also carefully inspect tools and spare parts equipped. This will make subsequent replacement of wearing parts work more convenient. So when buying Shanghai Dolomite Processing Machine, you need to buy more sets of grind segments for backup.

I hope the above tips helpful for users to buy Dolomite Processing Machine. If you have additional questions, please contact us.


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