In addition to the basic operation and maintenance, it is necessary to pay attention to the influence of the external environment on the life of the dolomite superfine grinding machine. In general, the machine completes the processing of the material outside the room. In this process, the environmental factors will have great influence on the process of its work and the life of its use. Therefore, we need to take some protective measures. Here we are going to introduce some problems and the related protective solutions.
Because the dolomite superfine grinding machine is driven by the motor, it is necessary to adopt waterproof measures of the motor, so as to avoid the entering of the rain in the motor and the motor burning. Besides, it is necessary to check the power junction box regularly to prevent it from being washed out by the rain or the rusting caused by the long rain.
The rust problem of superfine grinding machine should be treated in time. Remember that rust prevention layer should be applied to its surface to ensure its service life, and also to lubricate the parts inside the equipment regularly.
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